Re: Drivers Ed

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Posted by Moe on September 11, 203 at 17:16:38:

In Reply to: Re: Drivers Ed posted by 19 on September 11, 203 at 11:32:07:

: I have NLD. I am 19. When I was ready to drive my parents just signed me up for drivers ed. I would recommend you check the places out though, my parents didn’t. I had one very patient instuctor (who actually used verbal strategies with me- for example, to turn on the right blinker, the bar goes up so upright like a vacumn if that makes sense. I also had a very impatient instructor that did not speak English well. He became very angry at me becuase he was giving me very spatial type directions and I didn’t understand what he was saying. He wouldn’t stop yelling and made me very nervous to the point where I couldn’t do anything. I started crying, he started yelling and told me I was stupid and should never drive, and I started crying. He ended up getting fired.

: Honestly though, the good instructor helped so much. My mom didn’t explain my situation, he just responded to my individual needs. He was excellent, and he took extra time to help me on what we needed to work on.

: If you have any more questions, I will answer them for you. I do not know if there is a place you can take your kids to check to see if they are ready to drive besides maybe some tests a nueropyschologist can do or something. You might be able to tell if your kid is ready just by his or her general ability to do things. I think I was ready sooner than most NLDers cuz my dad let me steer the boat (with him right behind me) since I was 6.

: Sorry this was so long.

: 19

I am so happy someone brought up this subject. Having a drivers license is so important; because it just gives a person more indendence. My son was 16, this past Spring, would like to get his license. In our state a person needs to have a learners permit for 6 months, before they can get a license. So as this point, he would be close to 17, before he could actually try for his license; which isn’t so bad, we get a lot of snow in the winter. 19, I was just wondering what state you are from. I am also wondering the question that Colleen asked, if you would be upset if one of your parents had called the driving school, before you went for your lessons. Hope to hear from you soon. Moe

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