Greater Boston Area: Needs Help

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Posted by Kim on June 05, 202 at 13:05:44:

My daughter is nine years old and finishing 3rd grade. She was put on an IEP at the end of kindergarten for NLD. She has received help in speech, OT, reading, math and social skills.
Recently, she had an indep. neuropsych and speech eval, and an educational asessment. We have learned that she has multiple disabilities. They recommend that she be tested for Central Auditory Processing….Meanwhile, she is 2 years behind in math .

My first reaction to the reports was to consult a lawyer, and begin to prepare for a fight to get her out of the school. In talking to lots of people, however,it appears that there may not be other schools on the Boston/South Shore appropriate for my daughter!
I’m not really sure what to do first. School is out next week and they have NO time for me. If you’ve been through anything like this and have any thoughts I’d love to hear them,,,,,,. I am thinking of making an appt with the Town’s Special Ed Director and telling her I expect her to provide all of the services recommended by the Center by September…has anyone bypassed their TEAM and done that? I suppose I should consult with a lawyer at this point?… or maybe a good ed advocate? Is there anyone out there that can recommend schools, based on Em’s profile? If anyone knows of a good therapist on the south shore, I’d love to know. Anyone know of any good private schools? Hoe about a strong ed advocate?Anyone know whether or not insurance generally picks up the Central Auditory Processing Test? We were told that its obsolete and not covered.
I know I’m asking alot of questions but I feel like there’s not much time given its the end of the year….This past year was such a waste…I can’t spend the first 6 mos of fourth grade trying to get the school to do what they should be doing>…..Any thoughts/info you can share would be most appreciated! Kim

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