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NLDline has selected these books to recommend as a source of information on NLD and its related issues. From time to time, new titles will be added. To read reviews, click on the book title.  You then have the option of purchasing or not. You can always change your mind. From the home page of you can search and find other books of interest and continue until your shopping is completed.  Delivery from Amazon is FAST, usually within two days. Gift wrapping is also provided.


1.  The Source For Nonverbal Learning Disorders by Sue Thompson.  $41.95.  Order through LinguiSystems: 1- 800- 776-4332. ISBN # 0760601631.  Order by visiting the website:

2.  Star Shaped Pegs, Square Holes:  Non Verbal Learning Disorders and the Growing Up Years by Kathy Allen.   To order, call: Good Enough Books in Livermore, CA 925 443 4354. 

3. Growing Up With NLD by Deborah Green.  Order through Silicon Heights Computers 1-800-654-6623 SKU# DL0827 $25.00 (includes shipping and handling).

4. The Nonverbal Learning Disorder Guide for Teachers, Parents, Employers and Therapists by Rondalyn Varney Whitney, MOT, OTR.  Order through

5. Unaware:  Living With Non-Verbal Learning Disability by Laurie Reed. Email: [email protected]

6. Inside Out: What Makes A Person With Social-Cognitive Deficits Tick? A Manual and Workbook by Michelle Garcia Winner, SLP, $25.00 4871 Trent Drive, San Jose, California 95124 email: [email protected].

7.  Nonverbal Learning Disabilities At Home: A Parent’s Guide by Pamela B. Tanguay
Foreword: Byron P. Rourke, PhD, FRSC  Order through

8.  Nonverbal Learning Disabilities At School by Pamela B. Tanguay  Order through

9. Helping a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Asperger’s Syndrome: A Parent’s Guide by Kathryn Stewart, PhD. Order through

10. Bridging the Gap:  Raising A Child With Nonverbal Learning Disorder by Rondalyn Varney Whitney Order through

11. Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities by Marieke Molenaar-Klumper ( a Dutch author)

12. The PostSecondary Guide to Nonverbal Learning Disabilities by Carol Herriot. order through the Centre for Students with Disabilities, University of Guelph at (519) 824-4120, ext 56208 or [email protected]  Cost: $20.00 including GST and shipping.

13.  New Book for NLD Kids:  Tell Me About NLD (October, 2005)

If there are books you’d like to add to this list, please email NLDline@aolcom.

In addition to the NLDline list below, you can search Amazon here… Just enter any keywords of interest, and press the button:

1-2-3 Magic:  Effective Discipline for Children 2 – 12. by Thomas W. Phelan, PhD.  Price: $10.36 ($12.95)

An OT and SLP Team Approach:  Sensory and Communication Strategies That WORK! by Nancy Kashman, BS, LOTR and Janet Mora, MA, CCC-SLP 

Assessment of Children by Jerome M. Sattler, Price $58.00

Backtalk: 4 Steps to Ending Rude Behavior in Your Kids.  by Audrey Ricker and Carolyn Crowder. Price $8.00.  Also in Audio

Beyond Facts and Flashcards: Exploring Math With Your Kids. by Janice Mokros, Price $13.56 (reg. $16.95)

Brain Fitness  by Monique Le Poncin et al. $9.95

Building Healthy Minds by Stanley Greenspan, MD, Price $17.50 (reg. $25.00)

Brainstorms: Understanding and Treating the Emotional Storms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood. by H. Joseph, Md. Horaacek, David Earl, Jr. Edwards (Illustrator),  Price $31.50 (reg. $45.00)

Bully-Proofing Your School. by Cam Short-Camilli, Carla Garrity,, Price $29.95

Central Auditory Processing Disorders  by M. Gay Masters, Nancy A. Stecker, Jack Katzm, Price $50.00

Children the Challenge. by Rudolf Dreikurs Paperback. 335 pages. Price $11.16 (reg. $13.95)

Communication   by Aliki.  Price $10.50 (reg. $14.00)


Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook – Ready to use Strategies & Activities for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities by Joan Harwell. Price $20.97

Dealing With Feelings   Series by Elizabeth Crary.  Price $6.95

Dreamers, Discoverers and Dynamos:  How to Help the Child Who Is Bright, Bored and Having Problems in School. by Lucy Jo Palladino, PhD, Price: $11.20 (reg. $14.00)

Easing the Teasing: Helping Your Child Cope With Name Calling, Ridicule and Verbal Bullying by Judy S. Freedman, LCSW, Price $10.47 (reg. $14.00)

Emotionally Intelligent Parenting:  How to Raise a Self-Disciplined, Responsible, Socially Skilled Child by Maurice Elias, PhD, Price $10.40 (reg. $13.00)

Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life by Paul Ekman 

Embracing the Monster, Overcoming the Challenges of Hidden Disabilities by Veronica Crawford with foreword and commentary by Larry Silver. $21.95

Face Your Feelings by Hennie M. Shore, editor $25.00

Feeling Good   by David Burns $7.99

Fighting Invisible Tigers:  A Stress Management Guide for Teens. by Earl Hipp, Price $8.76 (reg. $10.95)

Games for Writing. by Peggy Kaye, Price $11.20 (reg. $14.00)

Get Out of My Life, But First Could You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall?. by Anthony E. Wolf.  Price $9.60 (reg. $12.00)

Getting Things Done by David Allen, Price $11.20 

Geeks: How Two Lost Boys Rode the Internet Out of Idaho. by Jon Katz.  Price $10.36 (reg. $12.95)

Good Friends Are Hard to Find: Help Your Child Find, Make and Keep Friends. by Fred H. Frankel & Barry Wetmore, Price $11.16 (reg. $13.95)

Handling  Your Ups and Downs:  A Child’s Book of Emotions by Joy Wilt.

Helping Kids Find Their Strengths. by Pat Huggins, et. al., Price $37.50

Helping a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Asperger’s Syndrome:  A  Parent’s Guide. by Kathryn Stewart, PhD. Price:  $11.96

Hold On To Your Kids: Why Parents Matter by Gordon Neufield (must be ordered in Canada; available at Amazon in Jan, 2005)

How Rude:   The Teenager’s Guide to Good Manners, Proper Behavior and Not Grossing People Out. by Alex J. Packer, PhD, Price $19.95

How to Behave So Your Children Will Too. by Sal Severe, Price $15.37 (reg. $21.95)

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Paperback. 242 pages.  Price $10.00 (reg. $12.50). Also in Audio cassette 

I Can Problem Solve:  An Interpersonal Cognitive Problems-Solving Program:  Kindergarten and Primary Grades. by Myrna B. Shure ($39.95)

I Can Problem Solve:  An Interpersonal Cognitive Problems-Solving Program:  Intermediate Elementary  Grades. by Myrna B. Shure ($39.95)

Inner Navigation:  Why We Get Lost and How We Find Our Way, by Erik
Jonsson. Price $25.00

It’s Not Fair, Jeremy Spencer’s Parents Let Him Stay Up All NIght. by Anthony E. Wolf Price $8.80 ($11.00)

Learning A Living:  A Guide to Planning Your Career & Finding A Job for People with Learning Disabilities by Dale Brown  Price $15.16 ($18.95)

  Learning Disabilities and Brain Function – A Neurological Approach, third edition by William H. Gaddes and Dorothy Edgell

Learning Disabilities and ADD:  A Family Guide to Living and Learning Together.. by Betty Osman, (with some NLD information) Price $11.96 (reg. $14.95)

Learning Disabilities and Psychosocial Functioning: A Neuropsychological Perspective. by Byron Rourke and Darren Fuerst. Hardback. 198 pages. Price $27.50

Learning Disorders and Disorders of the Self in Children and Adolescents by Joseph Palombo

Learning Outside the Lines. by Jonathan Mooney and David Cole. Price $11.20 (reg. 14.00)

Left Brain, Right Brain:  Perspective from Cognitive Neuroscience (Series of Books in Psychology). by Sally P. Springer, Georg Deutsch, 368 pages. fifth edition  Price $16.76 (reg. $20.95)

Life Happens:  A Teenager’s Guide to Friends, Failure, Sexuality, Love, Rejection, Addiction, Peer Pressure, Families, Loss, Depression, Change and Other Chlallenges of Living. by Kathy McCoy, PhD and Charles Wibbelsman, MD. Price $8.80 (reg. $11.00)

Manners by Aliki, Price $3.96 (reg. $4.95)

Mathematical Power: Lessons from a  Classroom. by Ruth Parker, Price $22.00

Messages:  The Communication Skills Book by Patrick Fanning (Contributor), Matthew McKay, Martha Davis, (Contributor) Price: $11.87

Never Be Lied To Again  by David J. Lieberman, Price $11.65  (reg. $12.95)

Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Relationships by Virginia P Richmond and James C. McCroskey Price $53.00 (order through Barnes & Noble)

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities:  The Syndrome and the Model . by Byron Rourke. Hardback. 253 pages $33.50

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities At Home:  A Parent’s Guide:  by Pamela B. Tanguay
Price  $13.96 (reg. $19.95)

OCD in Children and Adolescents – A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Manual . by John S. March and Karen Mulle. $32.95.

Overcoming Underachieving. by Nancy Mather PhD, and Sam Goldstein, PhD, Price: $13.56 (reg. $16.95)

Quantum Learning: Unleashing the Genius in You. by Bobbi DePorter, Mike Hernacki, contributor. Price $11.16 (reg. $13.95)

Quantum Teaching:  Orchestrating Student Success.   by Bobbi DePorter, Mark Readron, Sara Singer-Nourie. Price $22.36 (reg. $27.95)

Quirky Kids – Understanding and Helping Your Child Who Doesn’t Fit In – When to Worry and When Not to Worry. by Perri Klass, M.D. and Eileen Costello, M.D. Price: $16.77 (reg. $23.95)

Playground Politics: Understanding the Emotional Life of the School-Age Child.. by Stanley I. Greenspan, MD, Jacqueline Salmon (Contributor) Price: $11.20 (reg. $14.00)

Processing Interventions for the Child with NLD:  Central Auditory Processing. by Judith Paton, MA ($20. audio tape)

Raising a Sensory Smart Child:  The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Integration Issues.. by by Lindsey Biel, M.A., OTR/L and Nancy Peske.

Raising a Thinking Child:  Help Your Young Child to Resolve Everyday Conflicts and Get Along with Others: The “I Can Problem Solve” Program. by Myrna B. Shure, Price $10.40 

Relationship Development Intervention With Children, Adolescents and Adults: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD,  by Steven E. Gutstein, Rachelle K. Sheeley.  Price: $17.46.  

Relationship Development Intervention With Young Children: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD,
by Steven E. Gutstein, Rachelle K. Sheeley.  Price: $16.06.    

Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World by Jeffrey Freed $10.40

Rising to the Occasion:  A Practical Companion for the Occasionally Perplexed by Edith Hazard (contributor), Wallace Pinfold (contributor). Price: $11.17 (reg. $15.95)

Seven Steps to Help Your Child Worry Less by Dr. Kristy Hagar with Dr. Robert Brooks and Dr. Sam Goldstein

Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together so You Can  Live Too!. by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Price: $9.60 (reg. $12.00)

Smart Moves. by Carla Hanaford. Price: $12.76 (reg. $15.95)

Stick Up for Yourself:  Every Kid’s Guide to Personal Power and Self-Esteem,. by Gershen Kaufman and Lev Raphael, Price $7.96 (reg. $9.95)

Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman: Adventures of a Curious Character. by Edward Hutchings price $10.47

Survival Strategies for Parenting Your ADD Child:  Dealing With Obsessions, Compulsions, Depression, Explosive Behavior and Rage. by George T. Lynn, Price $10.36 (reg. $12.95)

Surviving Your Adolescents. by Thomas W. Phelan, PhD. Used Book Price: $5.00.

Syndrome of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: Neurodevelopmental Manifestations. Edited by Byron Rourke Hardback. 518 pages. On my top 10 list of books. Price $49.95

Taking A.D.D. to School:  A School Story About Attention Deficit Disorder and/or About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Special Kids In School). by Ellen Weiner, Price $11.95 – A kid’s book.

Teaching Your Child the Language of Social Success. by Marshall Duke, Ph.D., Stephen Nowicki, Jr., Ph.D, and Elisabeth A. Martin, M. Ed. Paperback. 181pages. On my top 10 list of books. Price $11.96 (reg. $14.95)

The Artist’s Complete Guide to Facial Expression   by Gary Faigin, $24.50

The Unwritten Rules of Friendship:  Simple Strategies to Help Your Child Make Friends
by Natalie Madorsky Elman (Author), Eileen Kennedy-Moore $10.47

The Bipolar Child:  The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood’s Most Misunderstood Disorder.   by Demitri F. Papolos MD, Janice Papolos, Demitri Papolos.  Price $20.00 (reg. $25.00)

The Bully Free Classroom by Allan Beane, Ph.D,  Price $17.47 (reg. $24.95)

The Challenging Child:  Understanding, Raising and Enjoying the Five ‘Difficult’ Types of Children. by Stanley Greenspan, et al.   Price, $11.20 (reg. $14.00)

The Child With Special Needs:  Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional Growth. by Stanley Greenspan. Price $18.90 (reg. $27.00)

The Difficult Child  by Stanley Turecki $11.17

The Doorbell Rang. (a book about sharing)  by Pat Hutchins.  Price $5.99

The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self. by Alice Miller.  Paperback. 136 pages. Price $10.00 (reg. $12.50) Audio cassette also available.

The Eros of Parenthood. by Noelle Oxenhandler. Hardback. Price $20.76 (reg. $25.95)

The Explosive Child. by Ross W. Greene. Hardback. 342 pages. Price $16.80 (reg. $24.00)

The Friendship Factor:  Helping Our Children Navigate Their Social World – And Why It Matters for Their Success and Happiness. by Kenneth H. Rubin, PhD and Andrea Thompson.  Price $17.47. 

The Friendship Factor – How to Get Closer to the People You Care About. by Alan McGuiniss. Hardback.  Price $6.99

The Out of Sync Child. by Carol Kranowitz Paperback. 322 pages. Price $11.20 (reg. $14.00)

The Out of Sync Child Has Fun – Activities of Kids with Sensory Integration Dysfunction. by Carol Kranowitz.  Price $10.47 (reg. $14.95)

The Misunderstood Child: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding and Coping with Your Child’s Disabilities. by Larry Silver, Price $12.00 (reg. $15.00)

The Right Mind: Making Sense of the Hemispheres. by Robert Ornstein. Paperback. 224 pages. Good Understanding of the Right Hemisphere, its jobs and problems with weakness.  Price $9.60 (reg. $12.00)

The School Survival Guide for Kids with LD. by Rhoda Cummings and Gary Fisher, Price $8.76 (reg. $10.95)

The Shadow Syndromes. by John Ratey, M.D. Paperback. 389 pages. Price $9.60 (reg. $12.00)

The Summer Camp Handbook by Christopher Thurber, PhD.  Paperback. 250 pages price: $10.47 (reg. $14.95)

The Teenage Liberation Handbook Grace Llewellyn. Price $20.00

The Unschooling Handbook:  How to Use the Whole World As Your Child’s Classroom Mary Griffith. Price $11.47. 

Times Tables the Fun Way by Judy Liautaud, David Rodriguez, Dave Rodriguez, Judy Rodriguez and Val Chadwick Baglely Price $19.95

Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser and Jennifer Easley $18.26 (reg. $22.95)

Use Your Perfect Memory Tony Buzan $12.95

What Did You Say?  What Did You Mean? – An illustrated guide to understanding metaphors by Jude Welton $12.57

What Does Everybody Else Know That I Don’t? by Michele Novotni. Price $11.96 (reg. $14.95)

When the Brain Can’t Hear by Terry James Bellis.  Price $17.50 (reg. 25.00)

Wild Child: How You Can Help Your Child with ADD and Other Behavioral Problems by Don Mordasini. Price $15.16 (reg. $18.95)

Remember, If there are books you’d like to add to this list please email us at NLDline@aolcom.