Adults with NLD


NLDline is happy to add the NLD Adult Feature to this website.  While we know that there have been plenty of struggles for the NLD adult, this will be the place where adults with NLD can find and share situations and experiences that work for them, send NLDline information and suggestions, and network together.  Please be patient as some of these topics are still in progress.  Following are the topics that will begin this feature:

There is an NLD Adult yahoo group restricted to NLD adults. e-mail [email protected] for more information

On Their Own: Creating an Independent Future for Your Adult Child with Learning Disabilities and ADHD by Anne Ford

Employment for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome or Non-Verbal Learning Disability Stories and Strategies by Yvona Fast Paperback 1-84310-766-X 2004 336 pages Jessica Kingsley Publisher: $22.95 

NLD Employee Coaching and NLD Employer Handbook Information

Employment information for Adults with NLD

Finding Friends

Body Language: It’s Not Your Mouth that Speaks Volumes

What It’s Like To Be An Adult With NLD

Resources for Adults with NLD

Success Stories by NLD Adults

Treatment plans for NLD Adults

How to Network With Other NLD Adults

NLD, Relationships and Marriage

Tips on Organization

School Failures, Adult Successes: The Negative Behaviors of Children with  Severe Learning Disabilities That Often Turn  Into Positive Attributes in Adulthood

Learning Disabilities:  The Impact on Social Competencies of Adults 

Books on NLD authored by NLD Adults

Thoughts of an NLD Adult

Families and NLD

Meeting the Challenge of Conformity by Dale S. Brown

Bullying in the Workplace

One more Excellent Adult Success Story

Stan Shura on How NLD Affected Him in the Classroom



Thank you in advance for participating by submitting your stories (anonymous or with your name), articles or experiences with resources or treatments.