Diabetes Foot Care Topic of Next Cooking School
Posted on 11/15/2010
St. Alexius is hosting Diabetes Cooking School on Thursday, November 18, in Boniface Auditorium.
The class is titled, “Foot Care and Diabetes,” featuring Dr. Eric Hart from Mid Dakota Clinic’s Foot & Ankle Clinic. Free diabetic foot screenings will be provided. St. Alexius’ Head Chef, Duane Ehrens, will discuss holiday cooking. Diabetes Cooking School isn’t just for diabetics and their families and caretakers. Everyone is welcome to learn how to eat healthier.
Pre-registration is required by calling 530-7860. The cost is $20 per person or $35 for two classes. Boniface Auditorium is located in St. Alexius Medical Center. Use the east patient entrance located at 10th Street and Rosser.
Cooking School Sessions:
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
7-9 p.m.
St. Alexius’ Boniface Auditorium (use East Patient Entrance)
- Duane Ehrens, St. Alexius’ Head Chef
“Holiday Cooking” - Dr. Eric Hart, DPM, Mid Dakota Foot & Ankle Clinic
“Foot Care and Diabetes”Thursday, January 20, 2011
7-9 p.m.
St. Alexius’ Boniface Auditorium (use East Patient Entrance)
Featuring: - Megan Myrdal, LRD, NDSU Burleigh County Extension Service & Anna Dockendorf, Patisserie on Fourth
“Bread Baking 101” - Kathy Stewart, LRD, CDE, St. Alexius
“Carb Counting and the Glycemic Index”Each class costs $20 per person to register or two classes for $35. To register, or for more information, call 530-7860.