St. Alexius Fun Center
Posted on 11/18/2010
No kid wants to lie in a hospital bed, but a new addition at St. Alexius may make that hospital stay feel a little more like home.
The Bismarck Kiwanis Club has donated a Fun Center to the hospital. It’s a game center with video games to play and movies to watch. The fun center pulls right up to the patient’s bed. It has all the games kids like to play but it’s more than a toy for young patients.
Jeanie Larson, St. Alexius’s Children’s Center, states, “This fun center has provided a lot more diversional activities for kids decreasing their needs for pain medications. It also unites the children with their families in the hospital setting, making it a fun diversional tool for them. Making them feel at ease and at home.”
Children will be able to use the entertainment center before surgery, during long treatments or to fight off loneliness after visiting hours have ended.