Nonverbal Learning Disorders vs Asperger’s Syndrome

The question arises constantly:  What are the differences between AS and NLD?  In an attempt to meet the need of the many individuals requesting this information, NLDline has made a separate feature with articles on the subject. 

Please email NLDline with other articles or websites of interest on NLD vs AS EXCELLENT resource.

Article One:  The Boundaries between Asperger and Nonverbal Learning Disability Syndromes by Bonny Forrest, Ph.D

Article Two:  Confronting the Puzzle of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities by Dorothy M. Vacca

Article Three:  Nonverbal Learnng Disabilities, Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Should We Care? by Roger A. Brumback, MD, Caryn R. Harper, MS, Warren A. Weinberg, MD

Article Four:  AS and NLD: Descriptions, Differences, and Similarities by Yvona Fast

Article Five:  Similarities and Differences: NLD and AS

Article Six:  “Asperger’s Disorder and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: How Are These Disorders Related to Each Other?” Dinklange from NLD On The Web

Article Six: Dutch Article

Article Seven: AS & NLD:  How Are They Alike; How Are These Two Disorders Related to Each Other? by David Dinklage 

Article Eight:  Difference between AS & NLD from the NLD Ontario website

Article Nine:  When Asperger’s Syndrome and Nonverbal Learning Disorders Look Alike from the  Official Journal of The American Academy of Pediatrics, November, 2007.

Information from on the Differences Between AS & NLD by Sheri Taylor-Mearhoff

Excerpt:   The Syndrome of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: Clinical Description and Applied Aspects by   Michael A. Roman

Book References:  The Source for Nonverbal Learning Disorders by Sue Thompson: pgs 169-170
                             Helping a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Asperger’s Syndrome by Kathryn Stewart, Ph.D. pg. 15

From NLDOntario: Similarities and Differences – NLD vs. AS

From The Lighthouse Project NLD vs AS