Critical thinking sites:

Because critical thinking is an academicproblem area for students with NLD, here are some resources that may be of help. Grove, CA) If you know of other critical thinking sites,please email them to NLDline.


NLDline NLDline is pleased to open its chatrooms to all thoseinterested in sharing information on NLD and networking together.  Here are a few guidelines that will help to make these chatrooms successful: Once on the chatline, please CHANGEyour “Anonymous###” to your own chatname. While the free and open exchange of ideas and information iscertainly encouraged, …

Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) Information

Auditory Processing Disorder Simulation CAPD Online Suppport CAPD Information & Links Auditory Processing Disorder  – The Hidden Disability CAPD More Information & Links CAPD Articles & Information Vital Sounds Therapy Article 3 1 07 The Relationship of Learning, Attention Deficits and Auditory Processing Disorders Dr. Kim Tillery Auditory Processing Article Defining Auditory Processing …


From Wright’s Law Newsletter – November 3, 2003 3. Suspensions, Expulsions, and IEPs by Robert Crabtree, Esq. “My daughter has a language impairment and an IEP. The school has suspended her twice for fighting. The vice principal said he plans to expel her. Can they do that?” Attorney Robert Crabtree answers questions about suspensions, expulsions, …

Audio and Videotapes

NLDline NLDline features audiotapes and videotapes fromconferences, symposia, workshops and in-service trainings when they have relevance for theNLD community.     Checkout: for CD’s of thelatest NLDA Symposia      AUDIOTAPES                                  VIDEOTAPES

Nonverbal Learning Disorders vs Asperger’s Syndrome

The question arises constantly:  What are the differences between AS and NLD?  In an attempt to meet the need of the many individuals requesting this information, NLDline has made a separate feature with articles on the subject.  Please email NLDline with other articles or websites of interest on NLD vs AS EXCELLENT resource. …


Advocacy Ebook   Beginning to Advocate for your child   From Wright’s Law:  Starting an Advocacy Group   WRIGHT’S LAW NEWSLETTERS   ARTICLES   AMICUS   COALITIONS, WEBSITES, AUDIOTAPES, RESOURCES   VERMONT ADVOCACY GROUP   Self Advocacy   Technical Assistance for Parents and Community Advisory Committees   Finding Common Ground   Assertiveness and Effective Parent …