Building a Vision of Retirement Weekend Retreat

Friday, October 28 – Sunday, October 30

Building a Vision for Your Retirement: The Next Chapter of Life


Friday, October 28 – Sunday, October 30
Presented by Rick Krivanka and guest speakers: Fr. Norm Douglas; Tim Lybarger, Board Chair of Encore NEO – Reimagining 50+; Anja Sassenberg-DeGeorgia, Certified Life Coach – Forward Life Coaching, and Steve Giblin, retired attorney with the Ignatian Volunteer Corps.
Cost: $155

This weekend will offer presentations on relevant topics, interactive conversation, and time for deeper personal reflection for individuals looking ahead to, or already in, retirement. It will explore different aspects of one’s life, the unique challenge of time management, and build the foundation for a vital spirituality and a meaningful and purposeful way of living after 60… or whenever!

Includes accommodations, five meals beginning with Friday dinner and Sunday Mass.

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.

Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.