Praying with Mandalas: The Ignatian Daily Examen

Praying with Mandalas: The Ignatian Daily Examen


Sunday, October 23
1:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m.
Presented by Rev. Sharon Seyfarth Garner
Cost: $25

Join us as we celebrate St. Ignatius’ 525th birthday and learn a colorful, new way to pray the Ignatian examen. Praying with Mandalas is a method of prayer that blends the joy of coloring with ancient contemplative practices – in this case, the Ignatian practice of reviewing your day and seeking that of God in all things. During our afternoon retreat together, you will learn about and prayerfully color a mandala designed specifically for use with the Ignatian examen.

Rev. Sharon Seyfarth Garner is an ordained United Methodist Pastor (1997), a certified Spiritual Director (Ignatian Spirituality Institute), and author of Praying with Mandalas: Contemplative Coloring for Contemporary Christians.

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Sunday, October 23