September 16, 7 – 9 pm.
The Basics of Jesuit Spirituality: An Evening of Prayer
September 16
The Basics of Jesuit Spirituality: An Evening of Prayer
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Presented by Fr. Matt Roche, S.J.
Cost: $20
Ever wonder where Pope Francis gets his spirituality and his life of prayer? Come for an evening of a short video on St. Ignatius Loyola, a review of his life and his spiritual writings – and how that impacts us today…
We will review the Ignatian Prayer, The Examen. There are some Ignatian Prayer forms that St. Ignatius taught and recommended to others that form a structure for our spiritual path.
No special background necessary. Come and learn about this dynamic man! Refreshments included.
Date: September 16, 2015
Start Time: 7:00 pm
End Time: 9:00 pm
Price: $20.00