Centers of Excellence

Home Care and Hospice Center of Excellence

Home Health
The home health care program is licensed in 25 counties in the state. Professional staff include nurses, therapists, social services and certified nurse aids who provide physician-ordered and medically necessary care for medical conditions brought on by age, illness, injury, disability and in some situations, can serve as an alternative to hospitalization and/or nursing home placement.

Services include nursing, therapy, Certified Nurse Assistants and Social Workers.

  • Nurses are trained to provide skilled services for, but not limited to: adult, geriatric, pediatric, psychiatric, wound management and IV therapy services. Nurses also provide these services, and more, in order to maintain patient health to remain in their homes. Nurses collaborate care with the patient and/or the caregiver as well as coordinate care with other entities in the community and the primary physician.
  • Physical Therapists assess strength and mobility/balance, evaluate fall risks in the home and provide appropriate exercise programs; assess, teach and assist with transfers as well as assess and educate the need and use of assistive devices. Occupational Therapists assess activities of daily living, upper extremity strengthening and coordination, promote safety in the home and recommend adaptive equipment for independent living. Speech-Language Therapists assess speech impairments, swallowing difficulties, cognitive impairments and other communication disorders.
  • Certified Nurse Assistants assist patients and caregivers with personal cares such as bathing, dressing, hair and skin care. Certified Nurse Assistants also help with exercises, do medication reminders as well as check vital signs and blood sugars.
  • Social Workers facilitate and coordinate supportive community services for the patient and family to assist in the care provided in the home.

Additional home-based services available include home respiratory care, home infusion therapy and home medical equipment and supplies.

Eligibility for home health services will depend on your insurance provider. Eligibility criteria for the Medicare home care client includes: skilled services ordered by a physician, services are intermittent and part-time as well as reasonable and necessary. Medicare also requires that a patient is homebound, meaning it is difficult for the patient to leave the home and does so infrequently with assistance.

Home health services may be an option for you without having been in the hospital. Your physician or nurse can refer you from an appointment; a family member or friend can refer you if they are concerned About St. Alexius your health; an agency in the community that you receive services from can also refer. You can call Home Care & Hospice yourself as well if you are interested in home health care services.

If you would like more information, please call St. Alexius Home Care and Hospice at (701)530-4500 or (800)223-1977. Or, for more information on home health care services go to the ND Association for Home Care.

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