Centers of Excellence

Radiology Services – Medical Imaging & Radiology Center

MUGA Scan – Imaging Center

Please report to Admitting 15 minutes before your scheduled exam time.

PREP: No barium studies 2-3 days prior to the scan.

PURPOSE: A MUGA Scan is done to study how well the left ventricle (pumping chamber) of your heart is functioning.

WHAT TO EXPECT: You will be asked to lie on a scanning table for approximately 45 minutes. The technologist will place a needle in a vein of your arm to draw some blood. The needle will remain in the arm until the mixing (tagging) process is complete which is About St. Alexius 20 minutes. The blood which was drawn from you will be mixed (tagged) with a radioactive material and then injected back into you through the needle still in your arm. Three EKG patches will be placed on your chest to be connected to a EKG triggering device which tells the camera when to acquire the scan. This allows the doctor to see a cine (video) image of the left ventricle as it pumps the radioactive blood through it. A camera will be positioned over the heart for the scan. You will need to lie completely still during the scan.

TIME FRAME: 45 minutes

POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS: Minimal to no side effects from the radioactive isotope.


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