Contact Us

St. Alexius Medical Center
900 E Broadway Ave
Bismarck ND 58501
(701) 530-7000

Patient Room Information:
To reach a patient’s room please call the information desk at (701) 530-7100.

To send a patient mail:
Click here for a free eCard service or send a postal card/letter send to the above address in care of the “patient’s name”.

For Appointments:
To make an appointment call (701) 530-5550 or (877) 530-5550 or Click here to make an online appointment.

For General Information: (701) 530-7000
TDD System (for the hearing impaired): (701) 530-5555
Fax Number: (701) 530-8984

To Contact Administration please call the general information number and ask to be transferred to Administration: (701) 530-7000
Patient Concerns: (701) 530-8604
Medical Center Billing or Insurance Concerns: (701) 530-8806
Medical Center Clinic Concerns: (701) 530-8807

For Employment Information: contact Human Resources at (701) 530-7174

Corporate Compliance Hotline: (701) 530-8600

Thank you for visiting St. Alexius’ website. If there is anything St. Alexius can do to improve this site, please let us know by calling or emailing by filling out the form below.

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