Division of Nursing – Nursing Unit Highlights
Division of Nursing – Nursing Units – Birth Place
Highlight on Birth Place
Each time you hear Brahm’s Lullaby over the loud speaker at St. Alexius Medical Center, we celebrate one of life’s most precious gifts – LIFE – truly a miracle! At the Birth Place, we are fortunate to be able to experience and be a part in over 1200 births each year. The Birth Place consists of two areas – Labor/Birth and Mom/Baby. Labor/Birth consists of five birthing rooms, three antepartum rooms, and one cesarean birth room. The nurses in Labor/Birth complete the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses Fetal Monitoring Class and are certified in this area. The nurses collaborate closely with the physicians to provide the best possible patient care with the best outcome for mom and baby. Mom/Baby consists of nine family rooms, 2 rooms are specifically designed for our cesarean-birth moms, and 5 patient rooms. To promote infant bonding, we encourage parents to keep baby with them as much as possible. They also practice Mom/Baby nursing which means having the same nurse for mom and baby. The Birth Place nurses focus on Family Centered Care and are committed to providing on going education to new parents. This group of nurses is dedicated to providing extensive education to parents related to all aspects of caring for their new infant as well as teaching mom how to care for herself. Additionally, the Newborn Channel provides patient education. This channel is dedicated to providing parents and nurses with the most up-to-date information. It is endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics as well as many other organizations. It provides information for infants and mothers About St. Alexius car seat safety and CPR. Well Baby Clinic is a service, which has been provided for several years, free of charge to our patients. It is held every Wednesday and offers follow-up weights/heights and answers to the many questions that new parents may have after taking home their new baby. It is staffed by both Mom/Baby and Neonatal Intensive Care Nurses.