For Patients & Customers

Division of Nursing

Division of Nursing – Shared Governance Philosophy & Councils

Shared Governance Philosophy

The St. Alexius Medical Center Division of Nursing Shared Governance professional practice model is based on a foundation of de-centralized decision making. The Shared Governance model is built on a structure that supports the point-of-care provider and sustains ownership and accountability to improve and provide safe patient care. The design of this Shared Governance model encourages and facilitates an interdisciplinary structure which supports behaviors associated with peer and professional relationships, and the exercise of nursing practice according to professional standards.

Shared Governance Councils

Nursing Cabinet
Nursing Cabinet coordinates, integrates and monitors the activities of the Nursing Shared Governance Councils. Cabinet facilitates communication between councils in a decision making framework. Through it’s auspices and activities, Cabinet discusses and facilitates decisions affecting the entire Division of Nursing.

Membership for Nursing Cabinet includes the Senior Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer, chair persons of the Nursing Councils (Nursing Care Council, Nursing Leadership Council, Nursing Education Council, Nursing Quality and Research Council), three at-large nursing staff who are selected through an application process and the Magnet Coordinator. The Senior Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer serves as the Nursing Cabinet Chair.

Nursing Care Council
Nursing Care Council ensures that nursing practice at St. Alexius Medical Center is consistent with the standards of professional nursing practice to facilitate continuity of and across the continuum.

Membership for the Nursing Care Council includes an RN from each Nursing Unit and St. Alexius sponsored clinics, a Nursing Education Council RN, representatives from Nursing Leadership Council, Division of Nursing Secretary, and the Senior Vice President/Chief Nursing Office as an Ad Hoc member. A staff RN serves as the chair for the Nursing Care Council.

Nursing Leadership Council
Nursing Leadership Council (NLC) exists to assure appropriate support of the nursing staff within the Division of Nursing at St. Alexius Medical Center. The key functions of the Nursing Leadership Council include those responsibilities associated with providing appropriate administrative, financial, material, system, and human resources required by the Division of Nursing. The core of the Nursing Leadership Council is to assure implementation of the nursing practice, quality, and nursing standards within St. Alexius Medical Center.

Membership consists of the Senior Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer, Nursing Directors from each nursing area, with representation from Assistant Directors and Clinical Coordinator Groups as determined by cluster and Nursing Cabinet, the Education Center Manager, and the Director of Care Coordination. A Nursing Director serves as the NLC chair.

Nursing Quality Council
The purpose of the Division of Nursing Quality Council (NQC) is to provide a forum to assist the department of nursing in ensuring and improving the quality of patient care throughout the St. Alexius Medical Center according to the Standards of Nursing Practice.

Membership is composed of the Quality Improvement RN from each nursing unit, selected leadership as recommended and approved by Nursing Leadership Council (managers, assistant managers, and/or clinical coordinators); and the Senior Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer ex officio.

Nursing Education Council
Nursing Education Council provides staff development activities including orientation, inservices, continuing education, and skills validations based on The Standards of Practice for Nursing Professional Development. The use of adult learning principles contributes to effective staff development activities. These activities are based on the processes of assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation. A variety of educational activities are provided to meet the staff’s immediate and future learning needs to acquire and maintain competence.

Membership includes the RN clinical educators from each nursing area, designated representatives from nursing areas which do not have clinical educators, and the Education Center Manager. The Senior Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer serves as an Ad Hoc member. All members are entitled serve as chair and have decision-making privileges on the Nursing Education Council.

Advanced Practice Nursing Council (APNC)
The purpose of the Advanced Practice Nursing Council is to have a forum for the advanced practice nurses at St. Alexius Medical Center in order to:

  • Optimize their role as Advanced Practice Nurses;
  • Enhance communication between Advanced Practice Nurses and councils;
  • Share critical thinking;
  • Support evidence based practice, research, and education to further provide quality health care for our clients.

The council will assist the Advanced Practice Nurse to reach his/her full potential as a health care provider by promoting professional development and advocacy for the role of the Advanced Practice Nurse.

The members of the Advanced Practice Nursing Council will be one representative from the following areas:

  • Heart and Lung, Emergency Trauma Center, Inpatient units, Anesthesia (CRNA), Specialty Clinics, Hospitalists and Archway Mental Health.
  • A representative from the Director of Nursing group.
  • Vice-President/Chief Nurse Officer (ad hoc).

Nursing Research Council (NRC)
The purpose of the Nursing Research Council (NRC) is to inspire and facilitate the development, completion, dissemination, and utilization of evidence-based practice (EBP) and research in the organization. All EBNP and research activity will be monitored and documented on a running log by the council. Through mentorship, education, and guidance in the EBP and research process, this council will promote professional nursing development and excellence, providing cost effective, quality patient care.

Professional Practice Model

Division of Nursing
Professional Practice Model

  • Provides a mechanism for effective communication and collaborative partnerships between nursing staff, ancillary staff and management.
  • Designs and facilitate changes and/or improvements in the practice of nursing as it relates to patient care.
  • Enhances nursing professional practice.
  • Promotes quality improvement, research and patient safety within St. Alexius Medical Center.

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