catholic retreat centers

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Lenten Retreats at JRH, 2007

Weekend Retreats
(Day and evening programs descriptions follow)

March 23-25 Women’s Lenten Retreat conducted by Sr. Mary Ann Flannery, S.C. In this Lenten season of grace and renewal Sr. Mary Ann will lead retreatants through a personal inner search to discover God’s invitation to a deeper love relationship based on trust and faith. Through her presentations and the guidance of the Holy Spirit the retreatant can experience God’s unconditional love and active presence. In the silence of the heart one learns how deeply in love is God. There will be time for private prayer, sacraments, anointing as well as quiet time. Give yourself this opportunity to know yourself as the Lord knows you. We begin on Friday with supper at 6:00p.m. and end on Sunday morning by 11:00a.m.The cost is only $145. Invite others. (Register Here)

About Sr. Mary Ann Flannery, S.C.



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