Jesuit Retreat House Cleveland Ohio

The Joseph Zubricky Library: A Living Tribute …

“The works in this library reflect the ideals and work of Fr. Joe’s life. He was a gentle man; dedicated to the Ignatian principles of moving God’s people to salvation through action, prayer and compassion. Guiding Father Joe, the Jesuits and the Jesuit Retreat House are the words of St. Ignatius . . .

Fr. Joe Zubricky arrived at the Jesuit Retreat House in 1978 after serving many years in the Jesuit missions in India. Those years were spent teaching English and Literature in the seminary there. Fr. Joe’s love for literature inspired him to begin work on our library at JRH. The library collection has grown to over 1,200 volumes covering the Spiritual classics, biographies of the Saints and prominent Catholics, as well as books on spirituality, prayer and scripture. The library is open for use by retreatants during their stay in the house.

Many people have helped to organize and maintain the library over the years. After Father Joe passed away, Mrs. Pat Smith, JRH retreat director, was the primary “librarian”, adding to the collection and maintaining a library index. Currently,volunteers Sheila Irmiter and Dona Basel team up to update the library’s labeling system and shelve books.

JRH would like to expand the collection and make the library physically more user-friendly. Thanks to Sheila and Dona’sexpertise, we will soon add a computerized catalogue system to make books easier to find.  We invite you to donate new orlightly used current books.  We will put panel in the front of each booknoting the donor – or the person in whose honor you are donating the book.

We encourage all those who visit JRH to make use of the library. It is a wonderful treasure and can certainly enhance your stay at the retreat house. Father Joe Zubricky understood the value of spiritual reading, both as a teacher and retreat director. Enjoy the fruits of his labor.