Meet Evelyn Sherman If you have stayed at Jesuit Retreat House within the past eight years, then you have been remembered in Evelyn Sherman’s prayers!
Since 2004, Evelyn has been volunteering at JRH (her schedule includes every Friday and most Wednesdays). In total she has contributed well over 2000 hours of service to Jesuit Retreat House! Evelyn conscientiously prepares folders, handouts, and name tags for group retreatants, as well as attends to other administrative details to make every retreat a successful one.
Evelyn remembers visiting JRH for a Praying with Saint Ignatius retreat series offered by Fr. Clem Metzger. She also remembers that the retreat was filled when she first tried to register, but a late cancellation allowed her to have the spot. Evelyn describes that retreat as very fulfilling. At the close of the retreat, she noticed a sign hanging on the bulletin board asking for volunteers. Retired from her career as a news editor for a trade magazine, Evelyn decided to call Barbara to offer her volunteer services. Barbara rejoiced and exclaimed, “Thank you!”
Evelyn’s openness to make a retreat, and her weekly commitment to serving at JRH, have been a genuine blessing for the retreat house. When asked what motivates her, Evelyn responds: “I meet nice people here. I feel like I contribute to the success of the programs, and I pray for all the groups on retreat –especially the AA groups.” Often after a day’s work, she will end her volunteer time with a walk around the grounds. To meet Evelyn is to meet grace and strength. She is the mother of ten children, and many grandchildren. In addition to her volunteer time at JRH, Evelyn is an active parishioner at St. Leo the Great where she is an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, a Lector, an Altar Server, and the Coordinator of Adoration. We are thankful for her dedication and warm smile!
If you would like to volunteer with Jesuit Retreat House, please call Barbara at 440-884-9300 ext. 10