Praying with St. Ignatius at St. Mary’s Hudson & Gesu

If you are interested in taking some time for yourself on retreat without having to drop everything or leave town, here is your chance. Praying with St. Ignatius is an eight-week retreat that provides Scripture based, contemplative guidance for spiritual growth. You will be directed through different methods of prayer, meditation, journaling and small group faith sharing during eight weekly sessions

St Mary’s Parish, Hudson, OH – Thursdays beginning September 26th and ending November 21st (no meeting on October 31st) 7 – 9 p.m.. To register contact Rose Gordyon: [email protected] or 330-653-8118 X227

Gesu Parish, University Heights, OH – For elementary school age parents – Wednesdays beginning October 2nd and ending November 20th. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.To register contact Joan Carney: [email protected] or 216-932-4923