Jesuit Retreat Center

What Is A Retreat? | TypicalConference Retreat 

JesuitRetreat Center Registration Form

Thank you for taking the time to register for a retreat at the Jesuit Retreat House.

The following Registration Form is for all retreat programs except Individually Directed Retreats and Pre-Cana Programs.  

  • If you wish to register for an Individually Directed Retreat, please click here.  



Please Note: all fields are required.

When your $50 deposit for a weekend retreat (or full payment for any day/evening program)is received, your registration is confirmed. If there is a problem, we will contact you.

Name of Retreat/Program:

Date: If you’re not sure of the date, click here and a new window will appear

Home Phone:
Business Phone:

Payment/Deposit Information
For your convenience we now have the option of paying with credit cards (only VISA or MasterCard).
This is a secure Web site, which means your credit card information is encrypted. Jesuit Retreat House information is secured through a GoDaddy certificate (see logo below).

Name on the credit card
Visa or MasterCard
Expiration Date
Credit Card Number
