Venting NLD problems

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Posted by Devin on October 16, 203 at 07:48:51:

I always post whenever things have reached new level of rock-bottom and I do feel bad that I have nothing to offer. I didn’t think things could get much worse but they have. I don’t know how to even describe what my life like or where to begin.
But I am stuck at home, overweight, freindless, penniless and trapped in a dead-end one day a week “job”. My mother is a very controlling woman.
She recently painted my bedroom the colour of Mountain Dew without asking me. Not that I had a choice but it’s been like that my entire life, my clothes, my food, my bedroom furniture, my college and my career choice all decided by her. I really have run out of ideas, I’ve been working since I was 14 and have been “let go” early from jobs or out right fired more than twenty in all. I’ve worked in non-profit, volunteer and corporations, I’ve worked in retail al ended badly. I’ve sought help with my NLD and been turned away as not being disabled enough,
or being thrown out of doctor’s offices being suspected a metally ill drug addict.
Yesterday I made my therapist cry as I related my life story and she said didn’t know how to help me either. I’ve decided to look inot “apptitude” testing as way to determine what if any ability I might have. This is really an IQ test and now I am afraid once they get the results back and they see how unbalanced they are they won’t know what to do and won’t be honest about the results. They may not want to say that my job options are limited to dish washer, janitor type jobs (nothing wrong with them but I have spent hundreds of thousdands of dollars obtaining a next to worthless master’s degree)
Also, by the way, I have no friends and the only person who ever was warm and loving to me is dead.
Suffice to say I am feeling quite down.
I am glad this site is here becasue it is the only place where in my small world where NLD exists and there are people with similar experiences.
Oh and if any cares to e-mail me, feel free I could use a pen-pal.

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