Art teaching & NLD

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Posted by Richard Warren on October 17, 203 at 06:25:33:

Hello! Some months ago I posted a thread here on NLD, the UK situation generally (I’m in the UK) and Art at secondary/high school. There were some interesting comments, and I also found earlier threads about visualisation etc very useful.

Since then, I’ve written up a case study, based on an academically able (but artistically challenged!) student at the school where I teach Art, and looking briefly at the implications of NLD profiling for both Art teachers and Special Educational Needs in UK schools. This has just been published (“Drawing on the wrong side of the brain”, International Journal of Art & Design Education, Blackwells, 22:3), and I’d be very interested in feedback/reaction from anyone here with an interest in this aspect of NLD. Only Art educators are likley to read this journal, but it seems that I’m not infringing copyright by sending off the occasional electronic copy. If you’re interested and would like one, email me directly at [email protected], and I’ll email one to you. The attachments will be a Word file for the text and a biggish jpg for the illustrations. Give me a day or three to respond.

I’m still interested in learning about any new moves here in the UK to promote recognition of NLD, any lobbying or self-help networks etc. Also interested in any comments on US experience of Cognitive Ability Tests as an indicator of non-verbal difficulties.

Thanks! Richard Warren

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