
NLDline As many of youknow, NLDline has asked parents who email and contact the NLD Hotline to share resourceinformation to help other parents, NLD adults and professionals interested in NLD. While we cannot endorse any specific treatment, educational method or program, weare pleased to be able to share the resources shared with us. NLDline disclaims anyliability, loss, …


NLDline Margaret Semrud-Clikeman and George W. Hynd RIGHT HEMISPHERIC DYSFUNCTION IN NONVERBAL LEARNING DISABILITIES:  SOCIAL, ACADEMIC AND ADAPTIVE FUNCTIONING IN ADULTS AND CHILDREN Emory & Georgia State Learning How The Brain And Social Experience Interact Depression Research at the National Institute of Mental Health Feed Magazine’s Brain Research Beth Israel Hospital – Boston …


Some excellent WEBSITES and some books to peruse  to help in understanding nonverbal cues and facial expressions:   FACE BLIND    HUMAN EMOTIONS   GAINING FACE    FACE YOUR FEELINGS (recognizing facial expressions) Henny M. Shore, Editor    THE  ARTIST’S COMPLETE GUIDE TO FACIAL EXPRESSIONS  Gary Faigin     MOODGYM    MONA LISA’s different feelings   RESPONSIVE …