Pen Pals
GoTo Kids’ LIST Go To Adult LIST Siblings of NLD Kids’ LIST
9/26/02 DearFriends: If you find your child’s age is incorrect because you sent inyour form one or two years ago, please contact NLDlinewith the updated information. Date of entry is now being added so others will know the age at that date.
NLDline is pleased to offer the NLD Pen PalFeature. This feature began on the NLDline Bulletin Board where parents wereinterested in having their child connect with others. For safety precautions,parents may fill out the following form and then give the information that will be listedlater to their child. Adults wanting pen pals will also be posted and if there areenough names, that list will be posted separately.
Here is one comment from an NLD momwhere the Pen Pal feature worked well:
“I thought I would let you know how things are going. Laurenis still writing to 2 pen pals, and I am communicating with 3 mothers. Emily, the personyou put me in touch with, and I have exchanged photos of our daughters. Lauren was sohappy to receive the photo that she carries it around with her in her pencil case. It iscertainly working out.”
And another comment from a successfuland perceptive NLD adult:
“NLD kids today are so lucky. They never have to facethe isolation and frustration that my generation experienced. Instead, they can connectwith other kids like themselves through the Internet.”
Please email the followingto NLDline:
1. First name ofparent
2. Email address ofparent
3. Daughter or Son(state which)
4. Age of child/teen/ adult
5. Interests of child
For adults (18 and over)please email:
1. Your first name
2. Your email address
3. Your gender andage
4. Your interests
NOTE: For Siblings of NLD childrenseeking Pen Pals, please put the NLD Child’s age in the appropriate space(Child’s age) and list the Sibling’s age in the comments’ space along with anycomments.
When your information is received, itwill be listed online for parents to network together. Be sure and also send ideas andrecommendations for this feature to NLDline.
GoTo Kids’ LIST Go To Adult LIST Siblings of NLD Kids’ LIST
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