On request, NLDline is starting up a pen pal page for siblings of NLD kids. Parents are requested to supervise to make sure that appropriate Internet etiquette is kept.

NLDline is pleased to share resource informationto help parents and professionals interested in NLD. We do not endorse anyspecific treatment, educational method or program. The opinions and conclusionsexpressed on this site are those of the authors alone and do not necessarilyreflect the views of NLDline.NLDline encourages parents to consult with neuropsychologists, doctors,educational therapists and other …

Re: Early Elementary Interventions/Strategies That Work?

[ Post a Followup Message ] [ NLDline Bulletin Board ] Posted by LKF on May 10, 202 at 20:05:47: In Reply to: Early Elementary Interventions/Strategies That Work? posted by Rosemary on May 09, 202 at 05:09:37: : Hi. I’m glad to have found this board. My first grader has recently been diagnosed with NLD. …

Talking with the kids about violence

NLDline http://www.talkingwithkids.org April 2000 1. Tomorrow is the One Year Anniversary of the Tragedy at Columbine High School LINKS TO OTHER RESOURCES: 2. The National Campaign Against Youth Violence3. Million Mom March – Mothers’ Day 2000 4. Working Against Violence Everywhere 5. Center For The Prevention of School Violence6. CDC – Youth Violence and Suicide Prevention7. Handgun …