Abortion problem in Serbia

Abortion problem in Serbia 

M. Rasevic 

Institute of Social

Sciences, Demographic Research Center, Belgrade, Serbia 

Objective: Induced

abortion has for a long time been a predominant method of birth control in

Serbia. With spreading of contraception, its significance became to a decrease.

Besides this positive trend, estimated number of abortions observed both

absolutely (about 200.000 abortions per a year) and relatively (82.1 abortions

per 1.000 women in the 15–49 age) shows that a significant number of women

mostly, and a certain number of women exclusively, relies on this method of

birth control. It should also be stressed that more or less all women,

independently of the age, education, profession, marital status and other social,

psychological and cultural characteristics, turn to induced abortion. This fact

poses a number of questions, among which the most important one is why are women

in Serbia not relying on modern contraception? 

Method: Identification of

determinate factors of abortion problem in Serbia trough research findings

synthesis having in mind that several abortion-related surveys were conducted in

last decade in Central Serbia and Vojvodina. 

Results: Research findings

discovered a complex array of factors of abortion problem, including

insufficient knowledge of contraception and abortion, a belief that modern

contraceptive methods are harmful to health, and a number of psychological

barriers, also those arising from relationships with partners. Additionally, the

liberalization of the abortion law occurred at a time of decrease birth rate and

very modest presence of modern contraceptive methods. Also, there are few

organized efforts to promote sex education, as well as limitations in the family

planning programme. Thus, conclusion of one research is that gynecologists

attitudes about modern contraceptive and behavior do not differ significantly

from the rest of the people. 

Conclusion: Actual problem in reproductive health

sphere is complex, serious and ask for solution. It supposes the promotion of

knowledge, the network of family planning services, the access to modern

contraception means, responsibility of male in family planning, the law

regulation of sterilization, etc. Duration of prevalence of induced abortions

indicates that underlying causes of frequency are numerous and stable over time.

Considering this, and the slowness of any spontaneous change, it may be expected

that the problem of abortions will be present in the years to come.

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