programme 8th congress



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In general

| Education

| Complete Final Scientific

Programme >>>



Keynote lectures:  these 2 main sessions of the congress

are entitled “Contraception from a holistic perspective” and

“Sexual health in a multicultural society”.

State of the Art sessions: in each of these 6 sessions, three

experts will provide up to date information on a topic with plenty of

opportunity for questions. The areas to be covered include: sexually

transmitted infections, screening, abortion, non-contraceptive effects,

risk and contraceptive methods.

Free Communications: these will be chosen from the submitted

papers and abstracts and will cover the topics listed later in the


Forums: these are a new idea. They are

interactive sessions, run on workshop lines, with a leader who is expert

in the field. They will cover such topics as: adolescent services,

intrauterine contraception, clinical research and epidemiology,

intercultural communication, microbicides and emergency contraception.

Meet the Expert sessions: these are informal, round-table

discussions during lunch with a maximum of 25 participants. A variety of

topics will be covered.

Posters: these will be chosen from the submitted

papers and displayed in the foyer.

Symposia: the pharmaceutical companies are

sponsoring symposia.




and CPD credits for European and UK doctors have been requested.


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