New: Say the Colors


Here are some games just for fun:

Gamesand other fun stuff for kidsl

Cartoon Corner and Games Sequentiallytaught cartoons with information about eyes, eyebrows and emotion and lots of fun games  Ages: Nine and older

Crafts and Games from Disney  Step-by-stepcraft ideas  Ages:  Nine and older

Cool Games from the KidCenter at Infoseek Ages: Nine and older

ColoringPages for Kids

Fun and Games from  Ages: Five through nine but others will have fun too  (Tip: Try changing shapes to ” 20-classic,”  try the Tetrisgame, and Click on “Solve” to watch the pieces move) Ages: Nine and older ‘



Optical Illusions Ages:All

Origami Website Ages:Nine and older

HamstersDancing:  Just for the fun of watching

AListening Game