NLDA’s 9th Annual Symposium

 March 11-12, 2005

This form must be entirely completed and submitted with your payment.

First  Name_______________Initial___ Last Name____________________Title______

Email Address                                                                                                                  



City_________________________________State                                            Zip                      

Day Phone (_____)______________________

Evening Phone (      __)                                         


      Registration Fee (includes lunch):                                                        

q       $140  Friday only, postmarked by 2-19-05

q       $160  Friday only, postmarked after 2-19-05

q       $140  Saturday only, postmarked by 2-19-05

q       $160  Saturday only, postmarked after 2-19-05

q       $230  Both days, postmarked by 2-19-05

q       $280  Both days, postmarked after 2-19-05  

I am a(n) ?..  (check all that apply)

q       Educator

q       MFT

q       Nurse

q       Occupational Therapist

q       Parent 

q       Physician    

q       Psychologist      

q        SLP    

q       Social Worker  

q       Adult or Teen with NLD     

q       Other                                 

       Continuing Education Credits:        

                               CMEs provided by CA Chapter 1 of the American Academy of  Pediatrics  (AAP)

                              CEUs  provided by CA BBS (pending), CA SLPABoard, AOTA, and for psychologists.

            q      $25 for 1- or 2-day participation    

              CMEs cover medical professionals.

                    CEUs cover psychologists, LCSW, MFT, SLP, OT                    

q      No Charge for attendance forms (available at Symposium) for ProfessionalDevelopment Units through University of the Pacific, Officeof Professional and Continuing Education

              ProfessionalDevelopment Units  cover educators from all states except OH, PA,WI, CT, NJ, IA, TN.

         NLDA membership (tax-deductible):

           Inaddition to above fee(s), your NLDA membership or yearly renewal is requiredto attend the symposium.

q      $50 (single)

q      $75 (professional/family)

      Registrations not submitted prior to the Symposium either online or by mail willbe subject to a $50     

       walk-in registration fee.


       TOTAL SYMPOSIUMFEES: $__________

     Please indicate how you are paying for your  attendance:  

q      Personal Check #                                                  Amount  $________________________

q      School District PO #                                               Amount  $________________________

 ComingSoon: Register ONLINE with a Credit Card.


Cancellation Policy:  Refundswill be issued (minus a $40 administrative fee) if cancellations are advised by written notice to the symposiumaddress below on or before 2-19-05.   Norefunds will be issued after 2-19-05.  Substitutions may be made.  Pleaseadvise us if someone else will be attending in your place.  

NLDASymposium     21001 San Ramon Valley Boulevard,  A4 #175,     San Ramon, California 94583

[email protected]