Re: overweight

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Posted by Melissa on August 01, 203 at 19:53:19:

In Reply to: overweight posted by Karen on July 28, 203 at 12:05:59:

: I have a 13yo son who was dx nvld last year. He has always had a tummy, but it is getting worse. I know that this is a charachteristic of NVLD. Has anone had this problem and found a solution. I have cut out all soda for the past 5 months, and junk is limited. I try to get him to excercise (even do it with him) but he cannot be bothered. Any advice?
: Karen

I too have a 13 yr old son who used to be very lean, but is on Risperdal, which is notorious for weight gain. And it’s all around the middle. Recently I just started really watching the carbohydrates I eat and lost 20 lbs. quickly, so he started doing that in the middle of August and has lost 6 lbs so far. He still eats pretty much the same foods, but smaller portions of the carbs and larger portions of the vegies and fruits. And he now reads all the labels to see carbs, sugars and calories so he realizes juice is not always a good choice and has taken to drinking more water. It’s something that he has control over and I think he really likes that part of it. Good Luck!

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