Re: NVLD and Medication – need advice/suggestions, HELP

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Posted by Sandra on August 09, 1999 at 18:07:52:

In Reply to: Re: NVLD and Medication – need advice/suggestions, HELP posted by Steve Dykstra on August 07, 1999 at 08:16:09:

: Debbie,

: I feel it is NEVER appropriate to give definitive advice over the internet about something of this nature, and of course, all I can go on is your posting. However, I have worked with a variety of students for over 20 years in several academic settings, and I would offer the following…

: Before you make a final decision about the use of medication, you may wish to do a trial period. Then, you will have more information upon which to base your ultimate yes or no.

: I am not a big supporter of medication for everything. I have seen some children who have not benefitted or who have been marginally helped by medication (might be the placebo effect). I also have been fortunate to observe MAJOR changes in children after some medication was administered, enough to help them begin the process of reconstructing self esteem, making better choices, and opening the door for academic and social remediation strategies to actually work.

: Talking about the placebo effect, don’t discount it. I have also seen kids continue great strides as their medication was slowly replaced with a sugar pill until the child no longer needed the “medication”. The power of our belief systems is great. SOMETIMES I think meds work for some people simply because they think they should…

: Medication is never a cure all. One cannot learn French by taking a pill. One cannot become suddenly brilliant, focused and successful interpersonally by taking a pill either. But for some students, it CAN open the door for beneficial changes to happen.

: Whether or not the effectiveness of that particular drug meets your needs and those of your child is ultimately up to you. I do feel, however, that not doing a trial to see what the effects might be is closing the door to a potential help. Of course, some people are opposed to meds for a number of personal and justifiable reasons, so one has to put it all in their own perspective and live with the decision.

: Not much of an answer, but I hope it at least gives a little different perspcetive. My best wishes to you and you daughter,

: Steve Dykstra
: Trek Associates

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