Re: Is Risperdal appropriate for ADHD children?

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Posted by Margie W on November 16, 1999 at 18:42:52:

In Reply to: Is Risperdal appropriate for ADHD children? posted by Renee on October 27, 1999 at 16:03:06:

Sounds familiar. My daughter was initially diagnosed with ADHD and put on Ritalin. When that didn’t work they went to Adderall with Risperdal and Clonidine. And then Depakote and Zoloft. And then she was impossible – the school would not let her go even for half days with an experienced teacher as a one-on-one aide.
Finally I said STOP! and we took her off everything and then took her to Yale for in-patient evaluation. To me, mixing all those meds was a nightmare – she was constantly taking some pill or getting a patch replaced; she was a different person each day – and changed many times during the day, too.
She’s currently diagnosed with NLD, Bipolar (manic-depressive, it’s in the family), and ADHD. She’s been taking lithium for the bipolar since June. The past couple of weeks we have begun to see more ADHD problems again and will likely end up with medication for that – probably a trycyclic anti-depressant (as Ritalin, Adderall, etc. are too likely to throw he into a manic episode).
I am finding that she needs to be treated quite differently when her beahvior ius due to NLD and it’s associated anxiety than when it’s due to ADHD – the trick is how to tell them apart (experience helps, but we’re still struggling). And, of course, the bipolar can kick in anytime and increase the NLD or the ADHD (although bipolar is so hard to see in kids her age – we do see cycles but not everything can be explained that way – and manic and depressive episodes both lead to melt-downs and we usually can’t tell one fromt he other).

Risperdal does work for some kids with ADHD – usually supplementing another medication such as Adderall. I have heard doctors say they’ve had succcess with the Adderall, Rispedal, Clonidine combination — we didn’t and we have a new psychiatrist.

Good luck! If you have a psychiatrist and psychologist that both understand NLD and ADHD and can workj together, it will help alot!

From, Margie W.

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