Re: Highly Disturbing Post On Adult Board

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Posted by VB on January 04, 19100 at 17:31:54:

In Reply to: Highly Disturbing Post On Adult Board posted by Jane on January 04, 19100 at 12:29:51:


As an adult with NLD, I haven’t posted on these boards for awhile. But ask anyone who’s familiar with my posts, that you are preaching to the choir. In other words, I couldn’t agree with you more.

With all due respect to Sue Thompson, when I started to read her book, I cried because I felt it was so negative. I never finished it and gave it to my mother to read.

Once I started feeling better about myself, I just laughed when I listened to Rourke’s tapes. I am grateful to him for spreading awareness on NLD but I strongly disagree with a lot of what he has to say.

On to what works-a) Stop beating yourself up. I learned that from another e-mail list that has nothing to do with and I have made significant progress in getting organized. I still have a long ways to go but I’ll get there.

b) Don’t be afraid to use extra supports. What I mean is that in the past, I wouldn’t spend money on organizing tools because I thought that was wasteful. But you wouldn’t tell a wheelchair bound person not to spend money on a necessary accessory, would you? Also, I have decided that if I really want to, I can have cleaning help even though I don’t make a high salary.

C) I have been moving in this direction and it was reinforced by a book I’m reading on LD. Learn to use your strengths instead of spending time remediating weaknesses. For examples, if I really want to gain some comprehension from what I’m reading, I listen to it on an audiocassette.

D) Unfortunately, I can’t tell you that I have a real exciting job at work because I don’t. But I received an excellent evaluation recently (some of the higher ratings pertained to personal skills). Also, I’m probably going to return for a masters degree as a 45 year old person. Everytime I want to quit, I’m going to think of a neuropsychologist who said it would be extremely hard for me and all those gloom and doomers who think NLDers can’t do anything.

On to positive adventures.


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