Re: What now?

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Posted by Deborah on January 23, 201 at 17:26:29:

In Reply to: What now? posted by Jennifer on January 23, 201 at 12:25:05:

: Our son has not been formally identified as having NLD. I first started researching NLD among other things when we saw a difference in his WISC scores. After reading alot of the NLD information I am pretty sure that my son has it. For years I have wondered about many little things that he does that now seem to make sense. He is 8 and in the gifted program at school. I would love some advice on things that we can do at home to work on social skills, and the visual areas.I know that we need to have him formally diagnosed. But I would like to be able to start on somethings now. Any suggestions, resources would be welcomed!


From what I’ve read,and experienced, occupational therapy can be really effective. My daughter has been seeing an OT for six months for gross and fine motor skill issues and she is really benefiting from it. Good luck!

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