Re: Does NVLD syndrome differ in one person from the net?

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Posted by sandy on February 04, 202 at 16:37:51:

In Reply to: Re: Does NVLD syndrome differ in one person from the net? posted by Peter Smith on October 15, 201 at 03:18:01:

: : Hello Peter,
: : Actually, you touched upon one of my pet peeves with NLD: How the majority of researchers (Byron Rourke, Ami Klin, and Shaywitz all from Yale Child Study)seem to focus on the severe cases and draw their conclusions about all folks with NLD.

: : I believe that there is a line going from minor to moderate to severely impacted concerning NLD. Thus someone minorly impacted could function ok occupationaly and interpersonaly. Someone with moderate difficulties might have definite social-emotional difficulties (e.g. poor collegial relations, difficulty with abstract/problem solving, and poor social skills. To the best of my knowledge nothing has been printed on this.

: : However, Preston Wiles in a seminar hosted by the Connecticut Associaltion of Learning Disabilities in the late 1990’s proposed that there is a minor to moderate to severely impacted with the severly impacted overlapping with Asbergers Syndrome.
: : Faith

: Hello Faith,

: Acutally, I would like to pursue this issue. I haven’t come across the name Preston Wiles yet. Who is he?

: Thanks,
: Peter

: :

Faith, scrolling through the old NLD messages b/c of a recent diagnosis of my son who fits none of the criteria but the visual spatial, reading comprehension. He is extremely athletic, has a ton of friends, etc… Any books or other info on this that you have? It is frustrating to read about only severe cases and not know what to do re moderate cases.

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