NLD-like signs in 4yo son- are we on the right track?

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Posted by Monica on December 15, 202 at 20:05:11:

My 4yo son has always been a challenging child -very high needs infant, irregular sleep, eating, sensory issues. His development was pretty normal -except for his language skills which were advanced. He was seen by our EIP at 2.5 for sensory issues and was estimated to have the skills of a 6yo. The OT also noted trouble with “auditory processing”. He very often doesn’t respond to his name, or to simple requests, can’t seem to focus in noise. His hearing was tested by an Audiologist who confirmed normal hearing but said these symptoms could be consistent with CAPD. We had a SLP eval that noted skills at the 6yo level but trouble with
spatial concepts and categorizing pictures.

At his 4yo checkup, our ped recommended he have a full developmental, behavioral eval to rule out ADHD or an autism spectrum disorder. He was restless, fidgety, silly, couldn’t copy shapes, and couldn’t answer questions like “Do you like preschool?”. We have a private eval for Feb 21st.

My son has little fondness for drawing, doesn’t write, and uses a “palmar” grasp and only scribbles. He can self dress in simple clothes (sweats) but still has a hard time and resists doing this. He has never played with puzzles. His gross motor skills are okay as far as I can tell.

He has lots of issues on the social front -doesn’t like preschool, doesn’t play with kids in grps (in or out of school), will often growl at a new child to initate contact, is completely overwhelmed if someone unexpected is at grandma’s when we arrive, can’t function in a group of children in a new setting (clings to me steadfast), is frightened/aggressive with kids who are not talkers and misinterprets their actions (ie he thinks they are trying “to get” him when they are trying to play). In a one-one with a friend he’s much better, but often gets intensely angry or some real or imagined slight.

The social aspects, resistance to dressing, trouble with spatial concepts, good language skills, difficulty with drawing all sound like NLD to me. I know 4&1/2 is early to get a definitive diagnosis, but I hope we will be able to trigger some areas for intervention. Right now, the biggest thing is the social piece. Does this sound like NLD? And if so, what about the listening troubles that look like CAPD? TIA Monica

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