Posted by Debbie M. on April 22, 202 at 05:53:36:
In Reply to: Re: NLD Association posted by Susan on April 21, 202 at 10:48:52:
No–there aren’t that many resources, but we’ve come such a long way. I learned about NLD about 3 1/2 to 4 years ago. Back then, there were only four books on NLD (2 of Rourke, Kathy Allen, and Sue Thompson). Now there are also two autobiographies (Debbie Green’s Growing up with NLD and Laurie Reed’s Unaware), three books by parents (2 by Pam Tanguay and 1 by Rondalyn Whitney), and several books in related fields. We just got an article published in the Boston Globe, and there are NLD conferences from coast to coast. There’s the listserve and chat rooms and at least two major boards on NLD. Kids are also getting diagnosed more and more often. We have come a long way.
Debbie M.