Re: Teachers uh?!

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Posted by Dan on November 12, 202 at 14:17:38:

In Reply to: Teachers uh?! posted by Teri on November 08, 202 at 11:33:39:

Teri, I’m a college student with NLD, and I can definitely relate to you son’s difficulties. I don’t know why it is, but some teachers just don’t want to understand kids with learning disabilities. I think you definitely should talk to his teacher, it certainly couldn’t hurt. What grade is your son in? It seems a little excesive regardless of what grade he’s in.


: My son is in special ed, his classification is multiple disabilities ok so I call his teacher to discuss the homework because she sent home 3 hours of stuff that looks like another language to him.I expain Pdd and Nld to her again with his strengths and weaknesses. She tells me well sorry he is required to get a regents diploma and she needs to follow certain criteria! He is doing well with behaviors now and this homework is throwing him into a depression and anger meltdowns that are uneccesary because he is not learning he is rote memory spitting it back to me. Any ideas?

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