NLD / AS – feeling confused and angry

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Posted by Deb on June 26, 203 at 15:53:47:


I wonder if anyone has any thoughts about the difference between AS and NLD. Our son, now 7, was given a diagnosis of NLD by an independent psychologist a year ago. We’ve been pushing his school for support over the last year and he has had an IEP for the last 6 months.

The local system however is only just beginning to get going for him – in the last 3 weeks he has been seen for a one hour observation from someone from the EBD service and now today for 1/2 an hour by the local ed psych. The EBD person told me after her oobservation that his problems are all behavioural and he needs behavioural management – (I totally disagree) The Ed Psych told me today (before she had even seen my son) that from the reports she had seen she thinks he has Aspergers. I’m very confused.

He doesn’t have the intense interests in single topics or obsessions that I thought was usually characteristic of Aspergers. How could she profer a diagnosis without even seeing him. I just hate all this – I’ve had so many meetings with the school – all they seem interested in is in attaching a label to him but at the end they still say he can’t have any additional learning support as on the end of year tests he’s still performing in the top three or four in his class for all core subjects. great .. but he has no friends at school, homework that’s supposed to take 20 minutes takes him 2 hours .. he hates all hands on activities such as craft work. I have arranged for him to start OT treatment next week. The OT said he had signifiant sensory and proproceptive problems but since the school don’t seem to understand what this means they are labelling him Autistic spectrum with behavioural problems. I just feel so angry — how dare someone just throw out a diagnostic term out of the blue to me today who has never even met my son –

Sorry just needed to get my thoughts down somewhere. Thanks for reading this.

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