Re: Loud noises

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Posted by Deb on July 07, 203 at 05:59:45:

In Reply to: Loud noises posted by Gina on July 06, 203 at 22:50:15:

Sounds very familiar..
Our son has always been distressed by fireworks. The worst time was when we were on holiday in France a few years ago and there were sudden unexpected street fireworks being let off very near to us. He had a complete meltdown verging on a panic attack. Then last year at New Year we tried something else. We let him come and buy a few firworks with us (no rockets guranteed) and took them to the beach with some friends. We let each one off, one at a time and talked him through the name of the firwork first and what we all thought it might do, what colours it would be. This seemed to give him something to focus on. He still does not want to go to large firworks displays but isn’t freaked if we hear some in the distance any more. Now he turns it into a game of naming the type of firework and so on. I don’t know if this would work for you but it is one idea.

: We just went through a somewhat stressful 4th of July weekend with our 6-yr-old NLD child. This obviously was not his first exposure to the noise of fireworks, but this year he seemed much more hypersensitive and so uncomfortable we had to leave the area. The following night, we attended a baseball game that ended with a very fabulous fireworks display which did not bother him as much as the ones in our neighborhood, perhaps because of more distance between us and the source. I’m just wondering if anyone has any advise on how to better cope with this, or is declining such activities the only option?
: As you would know, my 9-yr-old (both boys) loves them, so it will be a challenge to satisfy both. I’d love any practical help. And yes, I’ve wondered if a good set of ear plugs would be worthwhile. We have similar trouble at theaters and crowded indoor activities. Any experience with this one?

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