Losing It!

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Posted by Bud on October 06, 203 at 07:40:41:

My wife and I are the parents of 3 sons – 13, 10 and 8 years old. Our oldest was diagnosed with NLD at age 7. He is now in 8th grade. My wife is amazing regarding her involvement in all aspects of my son’s school life and helping all of us to accomodate this dissability. Our son has made wonderful strides in some areas, however his level of frustration regarding homework is no longer manageable. He is a solid B+ student in all areas and we are NOT looking for A’s.
We have tried to meter out the homework, break things into small chunks, etc., but we are dying out here. He manages to keep it all together at school, but our family gets the brunt of it all by days end. The truly sad part is his short temper and disrespect for my wife who has dedicated every waking moment to helping this child get through life. If there is anyone out there who is having a similar experience or has come out on the other side of this experience and lived to tell about it, my wife and I would be so grateful. I welcome your e-mails, advice or the encouragement. This has been the hardest road. God bless any of you who are in the same boat.

Best Regards,


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