Posted by AA on May 15, 202 at 18:52:31:
In Reply to: Re: meds for nld posted by Jay on May 03, 202 at 11:49:16:
Hi Jay,
As an NLD Adult, I find your comments very interesting. The neuropsychologist who diagnosed me with NLD was adament about the fact that I didn’t have ADD even though other professionals thought it was a possibility. But yet this guy recommended that I be placed on Adderall and Zoloft which worked fantastic for about a year and a half. When I was initally tested for ADD, I had to take Ritalin and had that famous “aha” experience that everyone talks about.
I have had alot of issues with this person’s report. But in all fairness, could it also be that since I have an impaired executive function and many ADDers also have this problem, that is why stimulants worked for me?
I realize you can’t comment on my case since you don’t know me. But I just wanted to throw those comments out there for your consideration.