Re: siblings again

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Posted by Danny’s Mom on August 24, 1999 at 17:57:21:

In Reply to: siblings again posted by dave on August 23, 1999 at 08:28:52:

: if anyone is so inclined i would like to get more dialogue on dealing with siblings. i have 4 children 1 w/nld. probably the most frustrating thing in this whole experience is dealing with the other siblings. my nld daughter gets away with alot more. her siblings are jealous of her and also have to put up with alot and give in alot. sometimes i feel if she was an only child things would be alot easier (she wishes she was an only child). all of my kids are wonderful and get alot of attention. i would like to get input and or experiences from those with other children. i tell you the truth for me this is one of the most important issues. its very difficult to explain the situation to my other young children. even my oldest 13 who understands somewhat finds it difficult. i do give her alot of credit but she is a kid who has a life too.

Hi Dave; My son Dan is an only child. This is a double edge sword so to speak. It’s good because I have more time to tend to his needs; but having siblings is a learning experience in its self. Everyone needs to learn to give and take, to stand up for themselves, to take turns, to share, that the world does not revolve them. Hope this helps. Your kids are lucky to have a dad who cares so much for them. I think fathers are so under rated in our country; but I think the happiest kids I know have dads who are involved with their lives. Hope this helps. Take Care. Danny’s Mom

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