Re: dealing with a child’s emotions

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Posted by Caroline on October 16, 1999 at 18:54:37:

In Reply to: dealing with a child’s emotions posted by Liz on October 16, 1999 at 00:07:36:

: My daughter just turned 7 and is in the second grade. In the past, she use to cry at the drop of a hat. Now those tears have turned to anger. She gets angry and seems sad about everything lately. She will often say about herself, “I’m bad” and “Nobody likes me”. She still cries a lot, but often says she doesn’t know what she did wrong or why she feels the way she does. Nothing seems to snap her out of this. Has anybody delt successfully with their child’s emotions like this? One school psychologist said he was worried she was becoming a seriously depressive and angry child. I just don’t know how to help her.


Anxiety and depression are very common in children with NLD. There are ways to help, but you need some good professional intervention. Please read Sue Thompson’s article on Stress and Anxiety disorders secondary to NLD (sorry, I can’t remember the exact title). It’s in the Library section of this web site, underneath “articles”. I know it’s scary when we don’t know how to help our children, but if your daughter is seriously depressed, then the best way you can help her is to get her professional help. See if the school psychologist can help you get started, or talk to your pediatrician.

Good luck,


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