Re: Making and keeping friends; resources in Chicago area

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Posted by k.d. on December 04, 1999 at 09:23:11:

In Reply to: Re: Making and keeping friends; resources in Chicago area posted by suzanne on December 02, 1999 at 14:05:54:

: : Suggestiosn for NLD resources in the Chicago area will also be appreciated

: we live in the chicago surburban area and have a 7 year old son diagnosed with nld. the rush neuro-behavioral center in skokie has a number of good resources. the physicians there are very familiar with NLD and related/similar neurological issues. meryl lipton, the director of the center, is our neurologist and we think she’s wonderful. the center has a great library of materials; while you can’t check materials out of the library, you can read/review them on-site, and the center then does have various articles and pamphlets available for the asking. thru the center, there’s also a parents’ support group that meets at 1 p.m. on the 3rd tuesday of each month (though no meeting in nov.). the center also offers special programs, some for teachers (e.g. one coming up in march, 2000, with steve nowicki) and some for a more general audience (they just did one about 2 weeks ago, at the rush facility downtown, on a fri afternoon, with 2 speakers on social issues, steve nowicki and a woman, martha denkler, though i don’t think i’m spelling her name correctly). the staff at the center has been helpful and friendly whenever i’ve contacted them.

I am looking for resources for my NLD-like 5 year old on Long Island or NYC. THanks.

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