Dealing with Friendships

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Posted by Kristine on May 01, 201 at 21:03:18:

My 10 year old NLD has had two best friends in his lifetime. The first was when he was five. He got along fairly well and they seemed to enjoyed each other’s company. Although my son could play by himself just as well. After 2 years, we had to move and of course they didn’t see each other again. My son grieved over his best friend for an extended period of time. Although he made new “playmates” he never really found someone like his first best friend. Now he has and for a little while all was right with the world. They have been best friends for a year now. I just found out his friend will be moving at the end of the summer. I know my son will be devastated once again. Right now he is in denial and won’t even discuss the future without his pal. It takes a special child to “understand” my son’s ups and downs. And it takes a very bright, very verbal, very imaginative child to keep up with my son. I am wondering how I can help my son to find a new friend/friends but I don’t really know how. Any suggestions? He won’t just play with anyone his age. He is very picky about who he will play with. We’ve tried Scouts, sports and youth groups and although he was somewhat entertained nothing in the way of friendship ever resulted. An NLD child is very hard to match up with other children. They need someone who can deal with their limitations and can understand their strong verbal skills. I wish there was some sort of support/play group for older kids with nld. Maybe two of a kind would be a great match.

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