On request, NLDline is starting up a pen pal page for siblings of NLD kids. Parents are requested to supervise to make sure that appropriate Internet etiquette is kept.

NLDline is pleased to share resource informationto help parents and professionals interested in NLD. We do not endorse anyspecific treatment, educational method or program. The opinions and conclusionsexpressed on this site are those of the authors alone and do not necessarilyreflect the views of NLDline.NLDline encourages parents to consult with neuropsychologists, doctors,educational therapists and other …

Re: modifications for visual/spatial difficulties

[ Post a Followup Message ] [ NLDline Bulletin Board ] Posted by Kathy Kirk…… Decatur GA. on January 21, 201 at 15:21:55: In Reply to: modifications for visual/spatial difficulties posted by nancy on January 21, 201 at 06:23:43: Under the section ”EDUCATING THE EDUCATORS” ,There is school tips that woudl be helpful. I remember …

Re: Is Risperdal appropriate for ADHD children?

[ Post a Followup Message ] [ NLDline Bulletin Board ] Posted by Margie W on November 16, 1999 at 18:42:52: In Reply to: Is Risperdal appropriate for ADHD children? posted by Renee on October 27, 1999 at 16:03:06: Sounds familiar. My daughter was initially diagnosed with ADHD and put on Ritalin. When that didn’t …


[ Post a Followup Message ] [ NLDline Bulletin Board ] Posted by 18 yr old with NLD on December 23, 202 at 12:46:01: In Reply to: Re: HELP!HELP! MY SON’S CRASHING AND BURNING posted by bobs son on December 23, 202 at 05:31:26: If this is Bob’s son responding, do you have some way …