Re: self-stim

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Posted by Cheryl on August 11, 203 at 06:38:36:

In Reply to: self-stim posted by Cheryl on August 10, 203 at 21:01:17:

Well if he is NLD – from my experience before the dx (just got it last week)and from what little I have read you need to rely heavily on the verbal explanation of why this is not acceptable (not in a jundegmental tone more in a matter of fact that’s just the way it is tone) and I think you should also explain where this behavior is acceptable because he will not just stop. We had this same problem a couple of years ago with our ds (always lovely to go to a soccer game and your son is on the wrong side of the field playing his own game – talk about embarrassing). We had to explain on several occassions why this was not acceptable and that if he needed to do this that was fine, but he had to be in the bathroom or his bedroom alone. We also found that not allowing him to wear loose fitting elastized shorts was helpful too – buttoned longer jean shorts or pants made it more difficult.

My ds’s stimming has been reduced greatly by sensory integration therapy – have you tried this? If not I would look into it.

Best of luck,

Cheryl in CA

: My 7 year old son who has been seen by a developmental pediatrician since he was 3 years old has not yet been given a diagnosis. One of the doctors tested him and said to treat him like he has NLD but he would not give him a diagnosis because he said he was too young. My son is impulsive, has a short attention span, reduced safety awareness, impaired social judgment, explosive (hitting, scratching and pinching). He has always had some type of self-stim behaviour such as bouncing, mouth noises etc. but now he has found his penis. It’s driving us insane! He doesn’t care who is in the room – his hands seem to be always on his penis. It’s getting embarassing for us so we don’t even want to take him out anywhere. I’m dreading school starting because I’m afraid of what will happen to him if he does it in class and his peers see him. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this properly. We’ve tried a few things but it’s already been a month and he’s still doing it in front of people.
: Thanks.

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