Re: NVLD morphs into NO disability at all? PLEASE HELP

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Posted by AA on June 05, 202 at 17:50:56:

In Reply to: NVLD morphs into NO disability at all? PLEASE HELP posted by Carol on June 05, 202 at 15:32:41:

Hi Carol,

You may not be aware but having a small discrepany between the VIQ and PIQ portion does not rule out NLD. In fact, it is pretty common for the discrepancy to disappear as some of the scores on the verbal side decrease. Of course, I don’t know what happened with your daughter.

Where any of the subtests significantly below the range of the other scores such as ones that folks with NLD would have problems with?

What does the report summary say as the clinician should have described the strengths and weaknesses and provided recommendations. If there is insufficient information, before you spend what I am sure would be alot of money on another test, I would call that person’s office and ask for the information. It is your right to have it.

As far as her being good in Algebra, I have good math skills too as an NLDer. I think NLDers having these skills is more common than you think.

I also have problems taking notes on lectures because I believe that is a visual motor integration problem. Don’t hold me to that because I am not 100% sure.

Anyway, what happens is your daughter is expanding so much effort in taking notes that she misses important information. Believe me, I know the feeling.

I had a telephone consultation with a professional and asked permission which wasn’t a problem to tape future sessions. But she couldn’t understand why I was so concerned because I did everything that was asked of me. That is true but I expanded so much energy writing everything down plus making sure I didn’t miss anything, that I misinterpreted some other very important information. Fortunately, by taping the second session, I realize what had happened.

Anyway, if the clinician who tested your daughter did not provide a report, I would seek that immediately as that is your right. If you still feel it is not sufficient, then I would see retesting.

Just my two cents.


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